Thursday, February 9, 2012



Surya is the significator of Male child.  Sukra is the significator of Female child. Sukra is the significator of Semen in case of Male and Ovaries in case of females. 

Ø      If Guru aspects Surya, then the person will definitely have a male child.
Ø      If Guru aspects Sukra, then the person will definitely have a female child.
Ø      If Rahu aspects Surya, then the person will not have male child. Even if he gets a male child, the child will be short lived.
Ø      If Rahu aspects Sukra, then the person will not have a child. Even if he gets a child, the child will be short lived.
Ø      If Ketu aspects either Surya or Sukra, then there will be an obstacle in having a child.
Ø      If Chandra aspects Sukra, then the sperm count will be less in case of males.  Hence, the wife will not conceive.  Even if she conceives, there will be abortions.
Ø      If Surya aspects Sukra (Surya and Sukra must be in the same nakshatra pada), then the person will not have children, because the semen will get burned.
Ø      If Sani aspects Surya or Sukra, then the child birth will be delayed.

      The difference of Nakshatra Padas between Surya and Sukra will indicate the no. of children.

Ex :
      Surya is in Swati 3 Pada.  Sukra is in Jyestha 1 Pada. So, the difference of Nakshatra Pada between Surya and Sukra is 7.  Therefore, the person may have 7 children maximum.

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